Drupal web implementation based on Kit Digital UC's branding and implementation guidelines.
Participation in the Architecture Congress SAL Chiloe, Latin American Dialogue along the thematic axis 'Renewal for Communities'
Library management with Koha, research, installation and configuración, import and corrections in spanish translation. Write up of technical documents for managing and maintaining the library. Capacity building for user analytics.
Digital archive management with Islandora, research, installation and configuración of different setups in a local server for museums staff evaluation.
Update of Asensoresvalparaiso.org, Migration from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10
Web project support reservation system scientific centers, PUC
Redesign of Leapfrog.cl in Drupal 10, new content, subtheming and data import projects. AI assisted translations.
Archive management, design and development of a light Drupal 10 platform for managing an existing archive, documentation, content transcription and translation powered by AI, sharing access to an exclusive group of investigators.
Upgraded Deepconnection.art by Alejandra Perez to Drupal 10. three.js re-implementation with textures, theming in Material Design.
AI Image generation experiments with different diffusion models in a local environment, prompting for visual results in Stable Diffusion. Read the articles in my blog about what I have learned and see the diverse outputs.
Cover imageImagecaptionNeural network with hidden layersGenerative AI experiments with OpenAI
Completed the Machine Learning Specialization program offered by Stanford University & DeepLearning.AI from September 2023 to November 2023, earning a credential.
Performed Drupal upgrades from versions 8 and 9 to 10 across multiple websites, involving some frontend development work.
Conducted an investigation and partially converted the social housing cooperatives archive by Eduardo and Cornelia Vargas into digital format, from May to October 2023.
Contributed to Alejandra Perez's Deepconnection.art by implementing web design and managing data imports in Drupal 9.
Engaged in creative coding projects using p5.js.
Cover imageImageProduction of the art exhibition titled 'Mensajes' for the artist Cornelia Vargas at Patricia Ready Gallery in Santiago, Chile.
Berlin Residency, Web3 creative coding research and experiment: September - December 2022
Engaged in AI art experiments using textures from the San Pedro de Atacama landscape.
Contributed to Deepconnection.art by managing web development in Drupal and server administration, Fondart project by the artist Alejandra Perez.
Explored creative coding experiments in JavaScript using p5.js.
Cover imageImagecaptionNeural network with one hidden layerProfessional Certificate TensorFlow Developer Specialization with DeepLearning.AI/Coursera: Completed coursework in Sequences, Time Series and Prediction, Convolutional Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning, totaling 80 hours. Credential
Web Development in Wordpress at Tourlou, Berlin.
Web3 Branding experiments
Engaged in creative coding experiments using Processing with Python programming.
Cover imageImageXseries MITx Computational Thinking using Python, Credential
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python, 150 horas
Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science, 150 horas
e-heritage UG, "Digitales Raumbuch", Co-Founder, Sep 2013 - Oct 2020:
For over 7 years we developed a web technology to support tendering and specifications in conservation-related diagnoses and execution procedures for the preservation of historical monuments in Germany and other countries. The web app was based on Drupal and was used for more than 5000 objects and was a cloud-based data management solution.
Tweepy Twitter API experiments in Python
Parametric drawing experiments in Python
Collaboration for the artist Cornelia Vargas, research and coding for the artwork "Twin primes nocturne 3001"
Cover imageImagecaptionCatalogue of worksDeveloped a gallery management system including a Catalogue of Works, facilitating the systematization of 450 artworks and 180 sketches for the artist Cornelia Vargas.
Development of the company e-heritage UG, Germany: Integration of 3D scanning technology into the Drupal based information management system, design, and development of tools for catalog management and preparation for the internationalization of the company.
Collaboration for Cornelia Vargas in the exhibition 'Cien es un color' (Hundred is a Color), GAM, Chile, Primespirals coding in Python, get a print
Cover imageImagecaptionDigitales RaumbuchDesign and development of the new prototype of Raumbuch RC5 through the startup e-heritage, launched in November at the 'Denkmalmesse 2018' fair in Leipzig, Germany, closed 2020.
Application of the Information Management System for a german client for restoration work at another castle and the Völklingen Ironworks, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Germany.
Implementation of Matterport 3D scanning technology in the Drupal based application.
Cover imageImageDevelopment of a web application based on Drupal 8 for the Syrian Heritage Project as part of the 'Heritage for Peace' initiative in Syria.
Design and development of a collaborative platform for the documentation of processes for a german office
Matriztica (Dr. Humberto Maturana) IT advisory for co-designing collaborative platforms, development of a methodological proposal for conducting regional forums within the framework of consultative processes
Adaptation and data import for a german client for the restoration work at a theater, Germany
Design and development of a collaborative system for editing an online manual for the management of the industrial historic monument ('Handbuch zum Umgang mit dem Industriedenkmal'). The project was developed in Drupal for a german client and the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe and the German Mining Museum
Cover imageImageDesign and development of a platform for knowledge management within the network of artistic creation and development centers for children and young people. Presidential Measure 34, Council for Culture and the Arts.
Design and development of an information system based on Drupal for a german client for the restoration work at Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria, Germany.
Adaptation and application of 'Raumbuch' for the documentation, evaluation, and reporting of the state of Syria's built cultural heritage. Cultural heritage mapping in a wartime situation. Application developed for the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) and the Museum of Islamic Art (Berlin) as part of the Syrian Heritage Project for the 'Heritage for Peace' initiative.
Cover imageImageMapa.valpo.net, a structure that allows for the addition of elements to a collective cartography. The project was developed in 2014 and introduced to the city during the Valparaíso's Arts Festival 2015 through online events and two expert-led workshops held at Centex, still running [2024].
Application 'Raumbuch' presented at the international CIDOC conference in the GIS Applications in Cultural Heritage segment, Dresden, Germany
Design and development of Raumbuch RC4: Web system for the evaluation and reporting process of built cultural heritage, both web-based and mobile, complying with European standards DIN EN 16096:2012 and DIN EN 16095:2012.
Map development services for the Human Resources Baseline, Early Socialization, chilean client
OnArchitecture.com: Extension of the online subscription system for audiovisual collections based on Drupal.
Usability study proposal for monitoring system interfaces for clients and development of the new corporate website, chilean client
Cover imageImageOnArchitecture Store: Development of a video-on-demand site for an architectural audiovisual archive. Global, Drupal Commerce based, still running [2024].
Development of the Endi Website (National Internet Performance Encounter) in Drupal, Chile
Information system for the research project 'White City of Tel Aviv' for a german client for the German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs, and Spatial Development,
Project for the UNESCO World Heritage Foundation Harz: Design and development of an information system according to European heritage conservation standards based on Drupal, Germany, still running [2024].
Digitales Raumbuch RC1 -
Cover imageImageOnArchitecture.com, Development of a web platform for audiovisual content featuring architectural works and architect interviews for international architecture schools
Web Development Advisor IPS/ChileAtiende
Katalis Consulting Platform. Document management and Geographic Information System (GIS) based on Drupal within the project 'Supervision of the Design and Implementation of an Engagement Plan', Mining Industry
Corporate websites, Germany & Chile
Cover imageImageInteractive Installation 'Mutek Window', GAM, Santiago de Chile
Web development Mutek Chile, site & mobile application, Chile
Associate Consultant at Politeia Public Solutions Ltda: Development of Social Investment Project Tracking System, Development Self-Reporting System (IPS/ChileAtiende), Chile
Cover imageImageFoundation of the own company: Leapfrog Web Solutions: Creation of digital collaborative environments https://leapfrog.cl
Associated Consultant at Politeia Public Solutions Ltda: In response to the emergency resulting from the earthquake on February 27, 2010, a georeferenced web platform was developed that allowed the visualization of damage to branches of the Social Security Institute to aid in decision-making during the infrastructure recovery process.
Ascensoresvalparaiso.org was originally developed in Drupal 6 and migrated later to Drupal 7 and 10, the site is still running. If your are interested in contributing to the archive of 2.555 images, please get in touch!