AI Services

Machine Learning Applications: Design and development of AI solutions, building and training of learning models for specific use-cases.

⚙️ Generative AI through prompt design and engineering, aligning and constructing instructs for machines to interact with models for automated content creation and analysis. 

  • Object detection, image segmentation and image generation: Text-to-image, Image-to-image, Inpainting 🖼️ , Upscaling 
  • Text-to-music generation 🎶 
  • Data preparation and model fine-tuning 👩‍💻 
  • Sentiment analysis, summarization, classification, extraction and ideation for text 🪄 

📊 Data Analytics powered by Python and AI

📈 Research & Strategy: Providing research and guidance on AI adoption and strategy development

🔍 Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification techniques.

🔄 Unsupervised Learning: Clustering, Anomaly Detection, Collaborative & Content-Based Filtering techniques.

🧠 Advanced Learning Algorithms: Neural Networks and Decision Trees.



Stanford University & DeepLearning.AI: Machine Learning Specialization
2 month program. Completed November 2023

  • Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification
  • Advanced Learning Algorithms
  • Unsupervised Learning, Recommenders, Reinforcement Learning

DeepLearning.AI: TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate
2 month program. Completed July 2021

  • Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
  • Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow
  • Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow
  • Sequences, Time Series and Prediction

MITx XSeries Program: Computacional Thinking using Python
5 month program. Completed June 2020

  • 6.00.1x: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python, Mar 2020
  • 6.00.2x: Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science, Jun 2020