Archive management with Islandora, research, installation and configuración in a local server for museums staff evaluation. Next steps content import and theme development.

Web project supervision reservation system scientific centers, PUC 

Redesign of Leapfrog.cl in Drupal 10, new content, subtheming and data import projects. AI assisted translations.

Archive management, design and development of a light Drupal 10 platform for managing an existing archive, documentation, content transcription and translation powered by AI, sharing access to an exclusive group of investigators.

Upgraded Deepconnection.art by Alejandra Perez to Drupal 10. three.js re-implementation, theming ongoing. 

AI Image generation experiments with different diffusion models in a local environment, prompting for visual results in Stable Diffusion. Read the articles in my blog about what I have learned and see the diverse outputs.