frog's blog

Digitizing Uganda's Health Services: UNICEF Uganda's New Mobile Programs

Oct 24, 2011

"The Ugandan Ministry of Health has launched an initiative to digitize the country’s health management systems. Because mobile technology can be the fastest, cheapest means of collecting and analyzing data, especially in rural areas, the Minstry is embracing mobile technology to create a seamless system of health management and early warning techniques across the country. The Ugandan UNICEF country office has developed projects to work with the Ministry’s goal of digitizing the health systems.

WEF Global Agenda Survey 2011: Summarizing Global Statistical Data

Oct 24, 2011

"From Moritz Stefaner and Jan Willem Tulp comes Global Agenda Survey 2011, a collection of data visualizations for the World Economic Forum. The "clean and simple" interface shows of the most important global trends that will likely impact the global economy, ranging from the public debt crisis and the declining health of public finances in the major developed economies, to the digital revolution and "design innovation".

IBM THINK Exhibit: a Review

Oct 24, 2011

"The darkened room is mirrored on either side and set with circular arrangements of display screens -- of a size and presence that seem to be schooled in Mark Rothko immersion techniques. In a well-orchestrated arrangement of sound, typography, and moving image, the opening film sequence narrates the timeline of our technological history, unsurprisingly (but also rightfully) featuring IBM visionaries and products. A captive audience is plunged into darkness and light, and the effect is kaleidoscopic -- at once distracting and mesmerizing.



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