Mutek Window: In this installation, participants intervened in the sound and image of the public space through their smartphones. The installation was located in the central square of the GAM Cultural Center in Santiago during the Mutek 2011 festival.
The digital production is entirely based on open-source software. The website was built on Drupal 7. The apps were developed using the Android SDK and Processing under Linux, along with a LAMP server with a WRT Router. For Augmented Reality, Layar pattern recognition technology and PHP + JSON for positioning were utilized.
Leapfrog programmed the website, two mobile applications, and an interactive installation for Mutek Chile. The Unctad application was based on the Layar App and placed photographs of Unctad 3's artworks in their original locations.
Team: Roberto Meyer (Mutek), Sofia Vargas-Koch (Leapfrog), Daniel Pliscoff (Leapfrog)