Is Social Email the Enterprise 2.0 Enabler?

Sep 7, 2010

Productivity Troubles

"With the rapid proliferation of social networks and enterprise collaboration offerings, the typical enterprise user is now running dozens of web services in a separate browser tabs, with no integration or preservation of context when switching from one service to the other. Research shows that a typical user switches an average 37 times an hour between applications, thus spending less than two minutes without interruption on the same task. This frequent task switching keeps us in a perpetual mental locomotion, which dramatically reduces productivity.

Transforming email into a collaboration console is a pragmatic step toward a better use of Internet services. The email client can host multiple Internet services within a single window and single work context. For example, an email recipient can see the email sender’s profile and latest tweets, and she can immediately contact the sender by phone, chat or SMS. There’s no need to switch applications or cut and paste contact details in a different browser window. The bottom line? More work gets done collaboratively as users communicate instantly using the most appropriate communications tool while maintaining their focus on the task at hand." Read more.