Connectivism in the Enterprise

Jul 24, 2010

"Traditional design models begin with the subject to be learned as the central object in the learning process. In fields where information develops slowly, this model is effective. When information develops rapidly, the content is no longer the object of learning activities. Instead, the development of the learner’s capacity for ongoing growth (adaptation) becomes the key focus."

"The growth of more. In all areas of life, more options exist: mobiles, web apps, social networking services, and content sources. Climates of more require different tactics than those needed in stable climates where choices and options are limited. Assisting employees to develop the skills needed to thrive in chaotic and continually changing information environments requires a learning and knowledge model that emulates their work needs: networked, distributed, adaptive, and contextual."

"Sensemaking, wayfinding, or coherence-forming are important skills and mindsets in ambiguous and changing environments."

"Fragmentation is a symptom of complex problems in complex environments. Instructional design approaches cannot address or anticipate these connection failures. The intelligence needed to address these situations cannot be acquired through a course. A learning approach that has a core focus on connections as the basis of learning and knowledge is required. Coherence of knowledge is formed by the individual as she connects disparate elements."

"The process of sensemaking and coherence-forming is ongoing and iterative; connectivist learning exemplifies the reality of solving complex problems that do not have a template solution."

"Learning analytics – requires that organizations capture, analyze, and visualize information flow and social activities, setting the foundation for social and technological symbiosis. When organizational data is discoverable, a company can leverage its own knowledge more effectively."